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24 October 2014
Chemical Free House Cleaning
Chemical Free House CleaningA clean house makes for a healthy home; there is no doubt about that. But have you stopped and considered that all the nasty chemicals and manufactured ingredients in a number of different cleaning products available from the supermarket may not be making a clean atmosphere. While they make benches look shiny, the chemical particles entering the air and lingering around you and your family can actually be quite detrimental to your health and the environment.But there are multiple natural remedies that will clean just as effectively as something from the supermarket shelf. Using basic ingredients that are generally in a household pantry, these recipes will produce environmentally friendly, natural, healthy, and cost efficient house cleaning products.Bicarbonate soda or baking powderThis product can be used on its own, or mixed with water. For carpet stains, sprinkle the powder over the stain, leave it sit for an hour or so, then vacuum the area. For solid surface stains or general cleaning, mix the powder with enough water to create a thin paste and apply to areas that need cleaning. The powder acts as a deodoriser and disinfectant to remove bacterial growth.Lemon juiceCitric fruit juice diluted with water in a spray bottle is a highly effective cleaning product. It is efficient at dissolving soap scum and hard water deposits. Lemon juice is particularly good for cleaning sinks and drains in the kitchen and bathroom.AmmoniaMixing 1 cup of warm water and ¼ cup of household ammonia is a fantastic stain removal product for carpets or fabric stains. The mixture is most effective when used in a spray bottle.VinegarDiluted with a cup of warm water, use ¼ cup of vinegar in a spray bottle. This can be used in similar ways to an ammonia based product.Club SodaWhen water soluble stains occur on carpets or hard surfaces, a mixture of club soda diluted with water in a spray bottle will easily remove and clean the area. Spray the club soda mixture on a cloth or paper towel, or directly on the stain affected area, and this will make household cleaning easy.Essential OilsBy simply adding multiple drops of your favourite essential oil or essence to a spray bottle of water to create a natural house cleaning remedy. The natural plant compounds in the oils make for charming scent additions, therefore working as a deodoriser as well as a cleaner. Some oils that work particularly well include lavender, lemon, peppermint or tea tree.As well as cleaning products, basic household items can be used to make air fresheners, to add that extra scent of delight to your now clean home. By using 1 cup of baking soda and around 5-10 drops of your preferred essential oil, place the ingredients in a jar. Poke several holes in the jar lid, paint and decorate the exterior if you please, and place in a corner of any room to allow natural odours to fill the air.Making your own cleaning products will take less time than going to the supermarket. By storing the ingredients needed for different cleaning products in the cupboard under the kitchen sink or in the laundry, you will always have the items handy to refill and top up your cleaning product.So save time, money, the environment and your health using these easy and friendly recipes for home-made cleaners!

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